Cucuveaua (Athene noctua) este cea mai abundenta specie de bufnita din Romania. Pote fi intalnita chiar si in orase. Fiind parțial antropofilă, este atrasă concentrările de insecte ce se aglomerează în zonele luminate. In trecut, si chiar si in prezent, oamenii asociau cucuveaua cu moartea, lucru neadevarat de altfel. Ea era prezenta unde ere lumina si, la priveghi, unde erau persoane recent decedate, intrau pe ferastra, in cautarea insectelor. Cuibareste adesea in poduri.
Mai multe informatii despre cucuvea aflati de pe
The little owl (Athene noctua) is the most abundant species of owl in Romania. It can be found even in cities. Being partially anthropophilic, it is attracted to the concentrations of insects that agglomerate in lighted areas. In the past, and even now, people associated the owl with death, which is not true. She was present where there was light and, at the vigil, where there were recently deceased people, they entered through the window, looking for insects. It often nests in bridges.
More information about the little owl can be found at