Acest ticlean este foarte linistit, asteptand ca o insecta sa indrazneasca sa se apropie.
Ţicleanul (Sitta europaea) este o pasare cantatoare mai neobisnuita. Este singura specie care poate sta cu capul in jos! A dezvoltat aceasta abilitate deoarece trebuie sa caute insecte in crapaturile scoartei copacilor, acestea fiind hrana lui. Are culori frumoase, dar care il si ajuta sa se camufleze. Cuibul il are in scorburi micute din copaci, dar daca sunt prea mari, incrusteaza intrarea cu noroi, pentru a nu invada cuibul specii mai mari decat el.
Mai multe informatii despre ticlean aflati de pe
Imagine preluata de pe,_Parc_de_Woluw%C3%A9,_Brussels.jpg
Eurasian nuthatch (Sitta europaea) is a more unusual songbird. It is the only species that can stay upside down! He developed this ability because he has to look for insects in the cracks of the bark of the trees, these being his food. It has beautiful colors, but it also helps it to camouflage itself. The nest has small holes in the trees, but if they are too big, encrust the entrance with mud, so as not to invade the nest of species larger than it.
More information about Eurasian nuthatch can be found at
Image taken from,_Parc_de_Woluw%C3%A9,_Brussels.jpg